Teje Waidmann

About me

Passion & calling

As a child, I used to walk through forests and fields and along the lakeside – in deep fascination for all the forms originating in nature.

Later on, it was in the fashion class at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna that I developed a further sensitivity for how material, shape and colour come together. But I only got into the craft of goldsmithing when my three daughters reached adulthood. 

One of the places I spent my apprenticeship was Juwelier Schullin. In 2017 I opened my own jewellery studio in Strozzigasse 38. Here I have made bespoke pieces and collections ever since. 


I have a passion for the traditional crafts of

gold- and silversmithing.

I try to breathe the wearer’s spirit into each

and every piece of jewellery that I create.

It is a mindful process, from the emerging of

the idea, the first designs to the completion

of the new, original piece. 



New designs are born in my studio.  Their value lies not only in the premium-quality materials,

but also in the genesis of each piece.


In my designs I combine traditional craftsmanship with contemporary design. The person who is going to wear the piece is always at the center of my ideas. I want to capture the essence of their character in order to create unique pieces of jewellery for unique people. 


Strozzigasse 38, A-1080 Wien

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+43 664 2047387




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Dienstag - Donnerstag  von 11:00 bis 18:00 Uhr 

Gerne vereinbare ich mit Ihnen auch Termine außerhalb der Geschäftszeiten.

+43 664 2047387 


Tuesday - Thursday 11 a.m.  to 6 p.m.

For appointments outside normal business hours.

+43 664 2047387